AI-powered referral platform
Invite talent in
The AI-powered digital headhunter that engages your staff and their networks. Every time you hire.
Asking for referrals is hard. Why not make it easy?
Sixley is a personalised, automated, AI-powered referral platform that engages your staff, diverse communities and their extended networks.
It powers 1-2-1 recommendations, social sharing and community boards, driving 40% interview rates and 35% hire rates.
Quick to set-up, it makes asking the six degrees of your networks for talent as simple as firing off a job ad.

Don’t just Search and Advertise.
Ask with Sixley.
You get help from agencies, headhunters, LinkedIn and jobs boards.
Sixley lets you ask your staff and networks for help every time you hire.
Engage your networks
Your team know you and the needs of the roles you’re hiring for.
So they can identify in their networks those with the skills, personal attributes and potential needed for your perfect fit.
In addition to referrals, reaching directly out to staff boosts internal mobility, saving costs on retention and acquisition.
People tend to know others who do similar jobs to them.
With proven or high potential talent, your staff may already have someone in their professional, social or local networks who might be right.
With a direct referral, initial interview rates can be as high as 80%+.
Many people’s social networks - whether their LinkedIn, WhatsApp or Discord communities - are full of professionally relevant contacts.
When your staff share a Sixley post or DM someone, they are reaching out to highly contextual groups and individuals.
That results in up to 50% interview rates coming from social shares by relevant staff members.
If you’re looking to widen your talent pool, your own communities, whether they’re DE&I, skills or regionally-based, are the best placed to invite diverse and skilled talent in.
Or if you want to go wider, ask us about reaching into 3rd party specialist communities.
Sixley makes referrals easy and effective
Sixley sends your jobs to relevant staff and communities.
People share roles, refer others or apply for roles.
We remind, track and follow-up across the six degrees.
You hire, we reward and close out. No-one is ghosted.
What makes Sixley unique?
Sixley operates on either a standalone basis or through a handshake with over 50 ATS / HRIS platforms.
Whichever you choose, Sixley takes the work out of personalised referrals making it a seemless and automatic experience for your recruitment team.
We take away the hurdles of deciding who to ask for a referral and the effort of contacting them.
Sixley pro-actively selects, contacts, reminds and follows-up with your relevant staff and their contacts.
We then ask them to recommend someone, share a role or apply themselves.
The best hires might be a few degrees of separation away from you.
With Sixley, your staff, their networks and their networks’ networks can share roles across the six degrees of separation.
You set the total amount you want to give as a referral reward.
Sixley then tracks and rewards all those who contribute to hiring, splitting the reward across the degrees of separation.
Sixley automatically follows up with every candidate and recommender making sure that no one is left stranded.
Sixley sends personalised emails using our proven messaging or, if you prefer, using your employer branding tone of voice.
We also incorporate your branding, colours and imagery in social posts and community boards.
“We trust our colleagues with our business success yet rarely ask them for help when we hire”
With 130,000 staff, our client hires at volume both within the UK and internationally.
They were looking to involve their staff more in the talent process, and to reach out to diverse and high potential candidates in their industry and beyond.
In partnering with Sixley, they chose a solution that could engage and leverage their staff, their staff’s social networks and contacts, and their DE&I communities across multiple territories.
Adding Sixley to their recruitment toolkit saw significant improvements in participation rates, interview rates and hire rates.
Case study: Global Telco
Open rates
Double industry average
Click rates
20 x recruitment industry average
7 - 15 times interview rates of job sites
Hire rates
Up to 35% hire rate when used effectively
“I tried every other channel and we couldn’t find the right candidate until we used Sixley”
— Recruiter
“Sixley was straightforward and the customer service excellent ... they sent across my payment fast”
— Successful recommender
“Worked so well - next time I’d just post it on Sixley rather than advertising”
— Recruiter
“Thanks for sharing the opportunity. First time I’ve seen the Sixley platform and it looks really interesting”
— Contacted employee